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Post-Surgery Update

Claire is out of surgery and our surgeon reports that it was a huge success! Praise God, He is good!

As I write this, Claire has finally settled herself to sleep in my arms (thanks to the Beatles lullaby album) in recovery. It is hard to know at her age if her unsettledness is due to hunger or pain. She is being given electrolytes through an IV but won’t be permitted to eat until tomorrow evening at the earliest.

It hurts me deeply to see her cry out, but I Justin is good at reminding me that “this is rock bottom and it is only up for her from here.” At the same time I am overwhelmed with a sense of hope and joy. We can celebrate now our first victory! And it’s a big one, as we have waited seven months for this surgery and the healing it will provide!

Specific prayers needed right now:

– For pain relief and comfort from hunger

– For good fluid output into her NG tube

– Her to avoid any post-op complications or infection

I really cannot express in words how grateful we are for every person who has reached out to us, prayed on her behalf and just lifted us up with encouragement and support. Seeing all the love that has been poured out by so many, reminds me that though our world is broken (and 2020 has made that glaringly obvious) Love will always remain.

I can choose fear, or I can choose faith… and I choose faith. Faith in a sovereign God, faith in mankind and faith that given the choice to choose love or hate… love reigns supreme.

So keep that love coming! And may you feel our love coming right back at ya!

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